I want to love my wife more

One of the things I really love about my wife is the way she keeps me straight about who I am. Michelle is good about letting me know when I’m being too hard on myself.
We have just been married for a year, dated for 2 years before decision on getting married. She has been a wonderful person, beautiful, magnanimous, and has always forgiven me for my mistakes. We are very different people, different upbringing and different experiences and as such, brings about conflicts.
But seriously I want to love her more. And i think I can do so my listening to her more. I know I should do that, but keep failing in my attempts. Sometimes I am accused of not listening to her. But I always counter by saying is not I am not listening but I cannot understand! Any men out there with such an experience?? Any ladies out there who can enlighten me on what I should do to improve our marriage?
So I will try my best to LISTEN to her, love her more and I hope the things I do will please her. There is nothing more I want in this world than for us to be happy.


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