Master how to gain control of situations to improve your life. Know yourself a little better and understand why you react and behave the way you do. Hope that you would find these tips useful and handy.

We learn best by making mistakes, but too many mistakes can have negative effects on your relationship. Here are some tips to avoid mistakes:

  • Don't wait, express your love right now!
    Never lie, honesty is the best policy and the truth frees people
    Don't worry, be happy
    Don't wait before it's too late before you apologize to your partner, always learn how to give in even if you are right
    Don't gloat when you are right
    Don't sulk when you don't get your way
    Don't make the same mistake twice
    Don't spend your prime time watching TV
    Don't interrupt when she/he is talking
    Don't take one another for granted
    Don't hold grudges , forgive and forget
    Don't let your mind wander during conversations
    Don't wait for your partner to read your mind
    Don't be judgemental
    Don't leave lovemaking until just before sleeping
    Don't always let your partner take initiatives, they will be sick of it if it becomes a habit
    Don't make love the same way every time
    Don't be afraid to share your feelings
    Don't try to change your partner
    Don't be late for meetings although patience is a virtue

Love can be improved and made sweeter and sweeter; the more you do it, the better it becomes...


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